Press Release
Press Release
Press Release

Prioritize Green Shipping and Value Stability of Industry Chain – Greenergy Ocean, First LNG Carrier of CNOOC Project Named and Delivered

Date:2024-05-17 Frequency: Size:[large in Small ]

On May 15th, the naming ceremony for the first LNG carrier of the China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) project, named Greenergy Ocean, was held at the Changxing Island Terminal of Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding (Group) Co., Ltd. in Shanghai. More than 200 guests from various sectors, including Mr. Takeshi Hashimoto, President of Mitsui OSK Lines (MOL), Mr. Wang Jianbo, Deputy General Manager of CNOOC, Mr. Feng Bo, Deputy President of COSCO SHIPPING, Mr. Ren Yongqiang, Chairman of COSCO SHIPPING Energy Transportation, as well as representatives from relevant ministries, classification societies, and others attended the naming and delivery ceremony to witness the naming of the new vessel. During the ceremony, Mrs. Ding Wei, Vice Chairperson of the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions, served as the naming guest and cut the cable to give the new ship its name.

In January 2022, COSCO SHIPPING, CNOOC, and MOL joined forces to launch a new cooperative model of "major cargo owners, major shipowners, and major shipyards" with the goal of building an integrated development ecosystem for the international LNG industry. They signed a contract to jointly invest in the construction of six 174,000 cubic meter LNG vessels. Since the project's commencement, COSCO SHIPPING Energy has actively implemented the deployment of COSCO SHIPPING Group, leveraging its safety and technological advantages to strengthen supervision and quality control, ensuring the smooth delivery of the project vessels to high standards. After the vessel is put into operation, COSCO SHIPPING Energy will further deepen its cooperation with charterers and cargo owners, ensuring the completion of transportation tasks for the project with high quality and quantity, and jointly safeguarding the safety of the international energy industry chain.

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